
32.4 The Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm


Compute the prefix function \(\pi\) for the pattern \(\text{ababbabbabbababbabb}\).

\[\pi = \\{ 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 \\}.\]


Give an upper bound on the size of \(\pi^\*[q]\) as a function of \(q\). Give an example to show that your bound is tight.

\(|\pi^\*[q]| < q\).


Explain how to determine the occurrences of pattern \(P\) in the text \(T\) by examining the \(\pi\) function for the string \(PT\) (the string of length \(m + n\) that is the concatenation of \(P\) and \(T\)).

\(\\{ q \mid \pi[q] = m \text{ and } q \ge 2m \\}\).


Use an aggregate analysis to show that the running time of \(\text{KMP-MATCHER}\) is \(\Theta\).

The number of \(q = q + 1\) is at most \(n\).


Use a potential function to show that the running time of \(\text{KMP-MATCHER}\) is \(\Theta(n)\).

\(\Phi = p.\)


Show how to improve \(\text{KMP-MATCHER}\) by replacing the occurrence of \(\pi\) in line 7 (but not line 12) by \(\pi'\), where \(\pi'\) is defined recursively for \(q = 1, 2, \ldots, m - 1\) by the equation

\[ \pi'[q] = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{ if } \pi[q] = 0, \\\\ \pi'[\pi[q]] & \text{ if } \pi[q] \ne 0 \text{ and } P[\pi[q] + 1] = P[q + 1] \\\\ \pi[q] & \text{ if } \pi[q] \ne 0 \text{ and } P[\pi[q] + 1] \ne P[q + 1]. \end{cases} \]

Explain why the modified algorithm is correct, and explain in what sense this change constitutes an improvement.

If \(P[q + 1] \ne T[i]\), then if \(P[\pi[q] + q] = P[q + 1] \ne T[i]\), there is no need to compare \(P[\pi[q] + q]\) with \(T[i]\).


Give a linear-time algorithm to determine whether a text \(T\) is a cyclic rotation of another string \(T'\). For example, \(\text{arc}\) and \(\text{car}\) are cyclic rotations of each other.

Find \(T'\) in \(TT\).

32.4-8 \(\star\)

Give an \(O(m|\Sigma|)\)-time algorithm for computing the transition function \(\delta\) for the string-matching automaton corresponding to a given pattern \(P\). (Hint: Prove that \(\delta(q, a) = \delta(\pi[q], a)\) if \(q = m\) or \(P[q + 1] \ne a\).)

Compute the prefix function \(m\) times.