
32.2 The Rabin-Karp algorithm


Working modulo \(q = 11\), how many spurious hits does the Rabin-Karp matcher encounter in the text \(T = 3141592653589793\) when looking for the pattern \(P = 26\)?

\(|\\{15, 59, 92\\}| = 3\).


How would you extend the Rabin-Karp method to the problem of searching a text string for an occurrence of any one of a given set of \(k\) patterns? Start by assuming that all \(k\) patterns have the same length. Then generalize your solution to allow the patterns to have different lengths.



Show how to extend the Rabin-Karp method to handle the problem of looking for a given \(m \times m\) pattern in an \(n \times n\) array of characters. (The pattern may be shifted vertically and horizontally, but it may not be rotated.)

Calculate the hashes in each column just like the Rabin-Karp in one-dimension, then treat the hashes in each row as the characters and hashing again.


Alice has a copy of a long \(n\)-bit file \(A = \langle a_{n - 1}, a_{n - 2}, \ldots, a_0 \rangle\), and Bob similarly has an \(n\)-bit file \(B = \langle b_{n - 1}, b_{n - 2}, \ldots, b_0 \rangle\). Alice and Bob wish to know if their files are identical. To avoid transmitting all of \(A\) or \(B\), they use the following fast probabilistic check. Together, they select a prime \(q > 1000n\) and randomly select an integer \(x\) from \(\\{ 0, 1, \ldots, q - 1 \\}\). Then, Alice evaluates

\[A(x) = (\sum_{i = 0}^{n - 1} a_i x^i) \mod q\]

and Bob similarly evaluates \(B(x)\). Prove that if \(A \ne B\), there is at most one chance in \(1000\) that \(A(x) = B(x)\), whereas if the two files are the same, \(A(x)\) is necessarily the same as \(B(x)\). (\(\textit{Hint:}\) See Exercise 31.4-4.)
