
31.7 The RSA public-key cryptosystem


Consider an RSA key set with \(p = 11\), \(q = 29\), \(n = 319\), and \(e = 3\). What value of \(d\) should be used in the secret key? What is the encryption of the message \(M = 100\)?

\(\phi(n) = (p - 1) \cdot (q - 1) = 280\).

\(d = e^{-1} \mod \phi(n) = 187\).

\(P(M) = M^e \mod n = 254\).

\(S(C) = C^d \mod n = 254^{187} \mod n = 100\).


Prove that if Alice's public exponent \(e\) is \(3\) and an adversary obtains Alice's secret exponent \(d\), where \(0 < d < \phi(n)\), then the adversary can factor Alice's modulus \(n\) in time polynomial in the number of bits in \(n\). (Although you are not asked to prove it, you may be interested to know that this result remains true even if the condition \(e = 3\) is removed. See Miller [255].)

\[ed \equiv 1 \mod \phi(n)\]
\[ed - 1 = 3d - 1 = k \phi(n)\]

If \(p, q < n / 4\), then

\[\phi(n) = n - (p + q) + 1 > n - n / 2 + 1 = n / 2 + 1 > n / 2.\]

\(kn / 2 < 3d - 1 < 3d < 3n\), then \(k < 6\), then we can solve \(3d - 1 = n - p - n / p + 1\).

31.7-3 \(\star\)

Prove that RSA is multiplicative in the sense that

\(P_A(M_1) P_A(M_2) \equiv P_A(M_1, M_2) \pmod n\).

Use this fact to prove that if an adversary had a procedure that could efficiently decrypt \(1\) percent of messages from \(\mathbb Z_n\) encrypted with \(P_A\), then he could employ a probabilistic algorithm to decrypt every message encrypted with \(P_A\) with high probability.

Multiplicative: \(e\) is relatively prime to \(n\).

Decrypt: In each iteration randomly choose a prime number \(m\) that \(m\) is relatively prime to \(n\), if we can decrypt \(m \cdot M\), then we can return \(m^{-1}M\) since \(m^{-1} = m^{n - 2}\).