12-2 Radix trees
Given two strings \(a = a_0a_1 \ldots a_p\) and \(b = b_0b_1 \ldots b_q\), where each \(a_i\) and each \(b_j\) is in some ordered set of characters, we say that string \(a\) is lexicographically less than string \(b\) if either
- there exists an integer \(j\), where \(0 \le j \le \min(p, q)\), such that \(a_i = b_i\) for all \(i = 0, 1, \ldots j - 1\) and \(a_j < b_j\), or
- \(p < q\) and \(a_i = b_i\) for all \(i = 0, 1, \ldots, p\).
For example, if \(a\) and \(b\) are bit strings, then \(10100 < 10110\) by rule 1 (letting \(j = 3\)) and \(10100 < 101000\) by rule 2. This ordering is similar to that used in English-language dictionaries.
The radix tree data structure shown in Figure 12.5 stores the bit strings \(1011, 10, 011, 100\), and \(0\). When searching for a key \(a = a_0a_1 \ldots a_p\), we go left at a node of depth \(i\) if \(a_i = 0\) and right if \(a_i = 1\). Let \(S\) be a set of distinct bit strings whose lengths sum to \(n\). Show how to use a radix tree to sort \(S\) lexicographically in \(\Theta(n)\) time. For the example in Figure 12.5, the output of the sort should be the sequence \(0, 011, 10, 100, 1011\).
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