
11.1 Direct-address tables


Suppose that a dynamic set \(S\) is represented by a direct-address table \(T\) of length \(m\). Describe a procedure that finds the maximum element of \(S\). What is the worst-case performance of your procedure?

As the dynamic set \(S\) is represented by the direct-address table \(T\), for each key \(k\) in \(S\), there is a slot \(k\) in \(T\) points to it. If no element with key \(k\) in \(S\), then \(T[k] = \text{NIL}\). Using this property, we can find the maximum element of \(S\) by traversing down from the highest slot to seek the first non-\(\text{NIL}\) one.

    return TABLE-MAXIMUM(T, m - 1)
    if l < 0
        return NIL
    else if DIRECT-ADDRESS-SEARCH(T, l) != NIL
        return l
    else return TABLE-MAXIMUM(T, l - 1)

The \(\text{TABLE-MAXIMUM}\) procedure gest down and checks \(1\) sloc at a time, linearly approaches the solution. In the worst case where \(S\) is empty, \(\text{TABLE-MAXIMUM}\) examines \(m\) slots. Therefore, the worst-case performance of \(\text{MAXIMUM}\) is \(O(m)\), where \(m\) is the length of the direct-address table \(T\).


A bit vector is simply an array of bits (\(0\)s and \(1\)s). A bit vector of length \(m\) takes much less space than an array of \(m\) pointers. Describe how to use a bit vector to represent a dynamic set of distinct elements with no satellite data. Dictionary operations should run in \(O(1)\) time.

Using the bit vector data structure, we can represent keys less than \(m\) by a string of \(m\) bits, denoted by \(V[0..m - 1]\), in which each position that occupied by the bit \(1\), corresponds to a key in the set \(S\). If the set contains no element with key \(k\), then \(V[k] = 0\). For instance, we can store the set \(\\{2, 4, 6, 10, 16\\}\) in a bit vector of length \(20\):

    if V[k] != 0
        return k
    else return NIL
    V[x] = 1
    V[x] = 0

Each of these operations takes only \(O(1)\) time.


Suggest how to implement a direct-address table in which the keys of stored elements do not need to be distinct and the elements can have satellite data. All three dictionary operations (\(\text{INSERT}\), \(\text{DELETE}\), and \(\text{SEARCH}\)) should run in \(O(1)\) time. (Don't forget that \(\text{DELETE}\) takes as an argument a pointer to an object to be deleted, not a key.)

Assuming that fetching an element should return the satellite data of all the stored elements, we can have each key map to a doubly linked list.

  • \(\text{INSERT}\): appends the element to the list in constant time
  • \(\text{DELETE}\): removes the element from the linked list in constant time (the element contains pointers to the previous and next element)
  • \(\text{SEARCH}\): returns the first element, which is a node in a linked list, in constant time

11.1-4 \(\star\)

We wish to implement a dictionary by using direct addressing on a huge array. At the start, the array entries may contain garbage, and initializing the entire array is impractical because of its size. Describe a scheme for implementing a direct-address dictionary on a huge array. Each stored object should use \(O(1)\) space; the operations \(\text{SEARCH}\), \(\text{INSERT}\), and \(\text{DELETE}\) should take \(O(1)\) time each; and initializing the data structure should take \(O(1)\) time. (\(\textit{Hint:}\) Use an additional array, treated somewhat like a stack whose size is the number of keys actually stored in the dictionary, to help determine whether a given entry in the huge array is valid or not.)

The additional data structure will be a stack \(S\).

Initially, set \(S\) to be empty, and do nothing to initialize the huge array. Each object stored in the huge array will have two parts: the key value, and a pointer to an element of \(S\), which contains a pointer back to the object in the huge array.

  • To insert \(x\), push an element \(y\) to the stack which contains a pointer to position \(x\) in the huge array. Update position \(A[x]\) in the huge array \(A\) to contain a pointer to \(y\) in \(S\).

  • To search for \(x\), go to position \(x\) of \(A\) and go to the location stored there. If that location is an element of \(S\) which contains a pointer to \(A[x]\), then we know \(x\) is in \(A\). Otherwise, \(x \notin A\).

  • To delete \(x\), invalidate the element of \(S\) which is pointed to by \(A[x]\). Because there may be "holes" in \(S\) now, we need to pop an item from \(S\), move it to the position of the "hole", and update the pointer in \(A\) accordingly. Each of these takes \(O(1)\) time and there are at most as many elements in \(S\) as there are valid elements in \(A\).