8-3 Sorting variable-length items

a. You are given an array of integers, where different integers may have different numbers of digits, but the total number of digits over all the integers in the array is \(n\). Show how to sort the array in \(O(n)\) time.

b. You are given an array of strings, where different strings may have different numbers of characters, but the total number of characters over all the strings is \(n\). Show how to sort the strings in \(O(n)\) time.

(Note that the desired order here is the standard alphabetical order; for example, \(\text a < \text{ab} < \text b\).)

a. First, sort the integer according to their lengths by bucket sort, where we make a bucket for each possible number of digits. We sort each these uniform length sets of integers using radix sort. Then, we just concatenate the sorted lists obtained from each bucket.

b. Make a bucket for every letter in the alphabet, each containing the words that start with that letter. Then, forget about the first letter of each of the words in the bucket, concatenate the empty word (if it's in this new set of words) with the result of recursing on these words of length one less. Since each word is processed a number of times equal to it's length, the runtime will be linear in the total number of letters.